Research Groups

Get to know the Research Groups of the Curitibanos Campus:


 The group aims to generate knowledge on agricultural management and production strategies for the conservation and resilience of production systems. The agricultural environment is considered as an integrated and dynamic system, formed by several processes that involve flow of energy and matter between soil, plants and atmosphere.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.

Lines of Research: Land use suitability; Conservation management of natural resources; Integrated pest and disease management; Soil-plant-atmosphere relations; Resilient production system.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

To access the research group website, click here.


Leosane Cristina Bosco (leader)
Adriana Terumi Itako (leader)
Alexandre ten Caten
Carla Eloize Carducci
Cesar Augusto Marchioro
Elis Borcioni
João Batista Tolentino Junior
Júlia Carina Niemeyer
Karine Louise dos Santos

See the researchers’ contact information here.


Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Forest Resources and Forest Engineering.

Lines of Research: Environmental analysis using physical and chemical parameters and bioassays; Analysis of production systems and their socio-environmental impacts; chemoprotective materials and remediation.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.


Joni Stolberg (leader)
Zilma Isabel Peixer (leader)
Antonio Lunardi Neto
Cleber José Bosetti
Cristian Soldi
Dilma Budziak
Eduardo Marques Martins
Estevan Felipe Pizarro Munoz
Hérica Aparecida Magosso
Kátia Jakovljevic Pudla Wagner
Manoela de Leon Nobrega Reses
Nei Kavaguichi Leite
Roberto Fabris Goerl
Sonia Corina Hess

See the researchers’ contact information here.

Watch a video about the group’s activities on the TV UFSC YouTube channel.


Main Areas: Environmental Sciences; Others.

Lines of Research: Integral health care; Popular health education; Health management; Public policy and epidemiology; Health, environment and society.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.


Vladimir Araujo da Silva (leader)
Maria Conceição de Oliveira (leader)

Daniel Granada da Silva Ferreira
Evelyn Winter da Silva
Kátia Jakovljevic Pudla Wagner
Manoela de Leon Nobrega Reses
Odair Comin
Patricia Daniele Hoffmann de Souza
Zilma Isabel Peixer

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The group’s interests include research in the area of physiology, biochemistry and plant genetics, and the generation of scientific knowledge applied to the area of physiology and breeding of species of agricultural interest.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.

Lines of Research: Biochemistry, plant physiology and plant management; Genetics and plant breeding.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.


Ivan Sestari (leader)
Patrícia Maria Oliveira Pierre Castro (leader)
Amanda Gonçalves Guimarães
Gloria Regina Botelho
Samuel Luiz Fioreze

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The group’s purpose is to bring together researchers and students interested in contributing to the flow of knowledge in the area of Ecology, using tools that enable inferences about the processes involved in the relations between the agents and repercussions of the use of resources in different ecosystems. The research studies encompass ecology, natural resources inventory and management; conservation of fauna and flora; environmental health and monitoring and the man-environment relationship.

Main Areas: Biological Sciences; Ecology.
Lines of Research: Forest ecology; Terrestrial ecotoxicology; Ecological interactions; Management and conservation of fauna and flora; Environmental monitoring and ecological risk assessment.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

Alexandre de Oliveira Tavela (leader)

Júlia Carina Niemeyer (leader)
Alexandre Siminski
Cesar Augusto Marchioro
Greicy Michelle Marafiga Conterato
Juliano Gil Nunes Wendt
Marcelo Callegari Scipioni
Paulo Cesar Poeta Fermino Junior

See the researchers’ contact information here.


Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.
Lines of Research: Theoretical, applied and computational statistics; Animal breeding; Mathematical and statistical modeling.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here. 

Crysttian Arantes Paixão (leader)

Erik Amazonas
Heloisa Maria de Oliveira

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The group aims to meet the needs for carrying out several studies about the flora in Santa Catarina’s countryside. These include floristic survey, taxonomic study, molecular study,  anatomical study, tissue culture, and chemical bioprospecting. The research group also aims at promoting the knowledge of the native flora of Santa Catarina’s central-west region, acknowledging its importance and giving it national recognition.

Main Areas: Biological Sciences; Botany.
Lines of Research: Bioprospecting of plant extracts from the Santa Catarina plateau region; Tissue culture of native species from the Santa Catarina plateau region; anatomical studies of native species from the Santa Catarina plateau region; phylogenetic studies based on molecular characters; floristic studies in the Santa Catarina plateau region.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

José Floriano Barêa Pastore (leader)
Cristian Soldi (leader)

Lirio Luiz Dal Vesco
Paulo Cesar Poeta Fermino Junior

See the researchers’ contact information here.


Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Veterinary Medicine.
Lines of Research: Cell Biology; Animal diseases; Animal Physiology; Veterinary hematology and clinical biochemistry of animals; Molecular toxicology.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

Marcos Henrique Barreta (leader)
Adriano Tony Ramos (leader)

Angela Patricia Medeiros Veiga
Evelyn Winter da Silva
Francielli Cordeiro Zimermann
Greicy Michelle Marafiga Conterato
Luiz Ernani Henkes

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The group seeks to promote knowledge on diversity, production and management of plants aiming at its applicability in conservation strategies and technologies for the use of forest species, with an emphasis on human relations and resources issues. The group’s focus is on taxonomical, ecological, genetic and physiological studies of plants, as well as on forestry and forest products management and technology.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Forest Resources and Forest Engineering.
Lines of Research: Forest resources management; Ecological restoration and agroforestry systems; Forestry and forest protection; Forest products technology and management.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

Alexandre Siminski (leader)

Karina Soares Modes (leader)
Andressa Vasconcelos Flôres
Juliano Gil Nunes Wendt
Karine Louise dos Santos
Magnos Alan Vivian
Marcelo Bonazza
Marcelo Callegari Scipioni
Mário Dobner Júnior
Otávio Camargo Campoe
Sonia Purin da Cruz
Ugo Leandro Belini

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The group aims to develop research related to the physiology of production of large crops, with a focus on soybean and wheat crops. The group addresses topics related to photosynthetic metabolism, source-drain relationship, water relations, and physiology of stress and its relation with the definition of the crop yield components. Through these themes, the group seeks to contribute to the scientific advancement in the area of physiology of crop plants, obtaining funds and promoting scientific publication as well as the training of human resources in the area.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.
Lines of Research: Weed biology and management; Genetics and breeding of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.); Interations between wheat tillers and their relation to grain production; Early soybean and corn planting on the Santa Catarina plateau.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

Samuel Luiz Fioreze  (leader)
Naiara Guerra (leader)
Ana Carolina da Costa Lara Fioreze
Giovani Facco

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The prospection and study of microorganisms for plant development, protection and production, from collections of isolated rhizosphere microorganisms of several plant species, of agricultural or forest use, established in Institutions that are part of the group. Most part of the bacterial isolates belongs to the fluorescent bacteria genera of Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Rhizobia and actinomycetes. Some isolates have showed action in the development of plants such as corn, bracatinga, bean and garlic, under controlled conditions and in the field. Others have inhibited phytopathogenic fungi and nematodes in vitro, suggesting a potential for biocontrol. Most part of bean rhizobia are nodulating in different cultivars and varieties. Endophytic isolates of micropropagated baboo were identified and tested in order to maximize the processes of in vitro plant production. Some mycorrhizal fungi have showed enhancement in the production of species such as corn, in field.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.
Lines of Research: Isolation and inoculation of microsymbionts; Soil microbiology; Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria; Use and management of natural resources.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

To access the research group website, click here.

Gloria Regina Botelho (leader)
Ana Carolina da Costa Lara Fioreze (leader)

Andressa Vasconcelos Flôres
Cláudio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa Soares
Cristian Soldi
Admir Giachini
Jaime Maia dos Santos
Jerri Édson Zilli
João Frederico Mangrich dos Passos
Marivaine da Silva Brasil
Miguel Pedro Guerra
Murilo Dalla Costa
Patrícia Maria Oliveira Pierre Castro
Paulo Emílio Lovato
Sergio Miana de Faria

See the researchers’ contact information here.

Watch a video about the group’s activities on the TV UFSC YouTube channel.


NEUVIN generates scientific knowledge and trains skilled professionals working in Brazilian vitiviniculture. The objective is the continuous search for the scientific deepening of the main topics that determine the quality of grapes and wine, related to genetic improvement, physiology of development and wine quality management (climate, soil and practice). Currently, the priority is to develop disease-resistant varieties, production technologies of “savoir-faire” quality and quality of wines and sparkling wines. The research works are carried out by faculty, researchers and undergraduate and graduate students at UFSC in partnership with EPAGRI and with European institutions such as Edmundo Mach Foundation (FEM), in Trento, Italy, CIRAD and INRA, in Montpellier, France, and the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), in Geilweilerhof, Germany.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.
Lines of Research: Agrometeorological assessments and information; Vine ecophysiology; Ecology and genetics of vine pathogens; Physiology and biochemistry of vine; Soil management; Genetic improvmeent; Chemistry and biochemistry of grapes and wine.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.
To access the NEUVIN’s website, click here.

Rubens Onofre Nodari (leader)
Leocir José Welter (leader)

Alberto Fontanella Brighenti
Aparecido Lima da Silva
Cristian Soldi
Dilma Budziak
Hamilton Justino Vieira
José Afonso Voltolini
Lirio Luiz Dal Vesco
Luciane Isabel Malinovski
Marco Antonio Dalbó
Miguel Pedro Guerra
Paulo Emílio Lovato
Rosete Pescador
Vívian Maria Burin

See the researchers’ contact information here.

Watch a video about the group’s activities on the TV UFSC YouTube channel.


The study group aims to develop integrated teaching, research and outreach actions that combine knowledge related to animal production, environment and health. The objective is to analyze, research and propose alternatives for the animal production systems, based on the optimization of available resources and the adaptation of the environment and the production techniques, preserving the health of the animal and, consequently, the quality of the product produced, ensuring the consumer’s health. The group also intends to bring together researchers and strengthen the lines of research with a view to obtaining funding for projects, disseminating results in indexed publications and scientific events, in addition to consolidating the knowledge generated with the professional improvement of the students involved in the actions proposed by the group.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Animal Science.
Lines of Research: Animal bioclimatology and environment; Food biochemistry and toxicology; Small animal internal medicine; Large animal internal medicine, surgery and reproduction; Infectious animal diseases; Endocannabinology and medicinal cannabis; Animal production.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

Carine Lisete Glienke (leader)
Sandra Arenhart (leader)
Álvaro Menin
Cristian Soldi
Erik Amazonas
Fabrício Pires de Moura do Amaral
Grasiela De Bastiani
Greicy Michelle Marafiga Conterato
Marcy Lancia Pereira
Monica Aparecida Aguiar dos Santos
Ney Rômulo de Oliveira Paula
Paulo César Trevisol Bittencourt
Paulo Jordão de Oliveira Cerqueira Fortes
Sérgio Rubens Lacerda
Vanessa Sasso Padilha

See the researchers’ contact information here.


Development of studies on the quality of wood and its products, with a focus on several traditional and alternatives forest species, in interface with applied forest management.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Forest Resources and Forest Engineering.
Lines of Research: Technological characterization of wood; Quality management of forest products; Technology and use of forest products.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here.

Magnos Alan Vivian (líder)
Karina Soares Modes (líder)

Mário Dobner Júnior
Rafael Beltrame
Weslley Wilker Corrêa Morais

See the researchers’ contact information here.


The group aims to promote and disseminate integrated agricultural production systems, through the use of technologies and models that promote greater performance and energy gain with the least impact to the environment as possible. In the state of Santa Catarina and in the vast majority of rural properties in the south of Brazil, there is the need of alternative crop rotation that can intensify land use, increase the sustainability of production systems and improve income. In this sense, integrated systems are an excellent strategy for all types of rural properties, and their benefits have been invariably associated with cost reduction, improvement of physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, reduction of pests and diseases, increase in liquidity and property income.

Main Areas: Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture.
Lines of Research: Species of economic interest for integrated production systems; Soil plant animal relationship; Soil use and management in integrated systems.

For information about this research group on the Brazilian Research Group Directory, click here. 

Samuel Luiz Fioreze (leader)
Kelen Cristina Basso (leader)

Alexandre Guilherme Lenzi de Oliveira
Ana Carolina da Costa Lara Fioreze
Anibal de Moraes
Carine Lisete Glienke
Claudia Aparecida Guginski Piva
Fábio Joel Kochem Mallmann
Jonatas Thiago Piva
Leandro Martins Barbero
Luciano Picolotto
Naiara Guerra

See the researchers’ contact information here.

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